February 13, 2025

  • la “hermana sagrada de Machu Picchu”, imponente ciudadela inca recuperada después de más de cuatro siglos perdida…
  • Una de las grandes atracciones en Puno, al borde de Lago Titicaca, es el paseo en las clásicas barcas de caña de totoras
  • es un importante sitio arqueológico pre inca ubicado en los Andes nororientales de Perú, en la Provincia de Luya. Cultura Chachapoyas.
  • Turistamagazine 30 años al sirviendo al turismo peruano… No sirviéndose de él…


Exhibition: April 4 – 29, 2023

NEW YORK/16/04/2023.- Experience the transformative power of art at One Art Space Gallery’s upcoming exhibition, featuring eight talented Japanese artists. Five of the artists will be traveling from Japan. Each week, two artists will be showcased, offering a diverse and captivating experience of Japanese art, from traditional to contemporary. Immerse yourself in the exhibitions, and discover the beauty and creativity. Join us in this celebration of art and culture, and be inspired by the depth and diversity of Japanese art. We look forward to welcoming you to this exciting exhibition at One Art Space Gallery in NYC.

Featured Artists

April 11 – 15 Akiko Sasagawa / Noriko Miyauchi

April 18 – 22 Toshiaki Iwata / Kanan Sumiyoshi

April 25 – 29 Akinori Haga / Kazumasa Hiwasa


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